GP Health Records

Online access to GP Health Records

Since November 2022, patients who are over 16 have been able to view notes and health records. This includes notes from GP surgery appointments, test results, medications, and letters we receive from hospitals. These can be viewed online via the NHS App, NHS website, SystmOnline or the Airmid app. If you do not want your record to be available online, please speak with the Reception or Patient Services team at your surgery. For more, please visit the Crane Valley PCN information web page here>>

a person holding a smartphone, the NHS logo and the words Online access to GP health records.  Over 12 million patients withonline accounts now have full access to their new GP health record entries.  Over 2,700 practices now offer this access to their patients by default.

Your Electronic Health Record

For a number of years, work has been ongoing to improve the way that medical records are made available to treating clinicians. Our main computer system is called SystmOne, which has the advantage of enabling information to be shared between certain health professionals.

Your electronic health record contains lots of information about you, including your medical history, the types of medication you take, any allergies you have and demographic information like your home address and your next of kin. In many cases, particularly for patients with complex conditions, the shared record plays a vital role in delivering the best care. Health and social care professionals can ensure a coordinated care response, taking into account all aspects of a person’s physical and mental health.

You have choices about whether or not information is available to other providers who care for you.

Care Service that could access patients records:

  • GP Surgeries
  • Community Services such as District Nurses, Rehabilitation Centres
  • Child health services
  • Urgent care organisations such as Minor Injury Units and Out of Hours Services
  • Community Hospitals
  • Accident and Emergency Departments

To provide the best care, your electronic health record will be made available to other services involved in
your care. Until you are registered at one of the care services, no information about you will be shared to them.

For more information please download and view this Electronic Record patient leaflet>>


SCR and S1 Sharing Consent Dissent form

SCR and S1 Sharing Patient Information Leaflet

Please complete the consent form and hand in at reception along with proof of address and photo indetification.